Eyelid Surgery and Treatment

Providing Top Quality Treatment for Common Eyelid Conditions

  • Botox for Blepharospasm and Hemi-facial Spasm - Blepharospasm and Hemifacial Spasm are involuntary spasms of the muscles of the eyelid and the face. These can cause bothersome closure of the eyelids and interfere with vision. Botox temporarily weakens the targeted muscles around the eyes or face, which either eliminates or greatly improves the spasms. We apply topical numbing cream, so the procedure is virtually painless. Typical results last 3-4 months.
  • Chalazion - A chalazion, or stye, is a blocked oil gland in the upper or lower eyelid that causes swelling, inflammation, and a bump that can be painful. Often they resolved on their own with warm compresses, but some need to be treated. Most people are able to return to their normal activities immediately following the procedure.
  • Ectropion and Entropion Repair - Both of these conditions most commonly affect the lower eyelid and are often caused by age-related changes to the eyelid. In ectropion, the eyelid turns outward away from the eye. In entropion, the eyelid turns inward, and the lashes rub the surface of the eye. Both can cause many symptoms including irritation, dryness, scratching, watering, or redness of the eye. These conditions can be fixed with surgery in an outpatient facility. Surgery involves tightening the eyelid in the outer corner often combined with extra stitches depending on the exact problem and its severity.
  • Eyelid retraction repair - Eyelid retraction causes the eye to appear too open. This can be caused by an upper eyelid that is too high or a lower eyelid that is too low. Eyelid retraction repair is performed in an outpatient facility. This surgery may involve a combination of various techniques to return the eyelid to its natural position. Tightening the outer corner of the eyelid, elevating the cheek and grafts may be used to improve the position of the lower eyelid.
  • Eyelid tumor removal - Most eyelid growths can be removed in the office setting on the same day as your initial consultation, often with a biopsy to determine the exact type of growth and rule out cancer. The first step it to have a consultation with an oculoplastic specialist. We will determine if removal of the growth is indicated, and we may perform a biopsy during your consult to formulate the best plan for you.
  • Eyelid surgery after facial nerve palsy - The facial nerve is a nerve that travels between the brain and controls the movements of the face like smiling, frowning, raising the eyebrows and opening and closing the eyes. Trauma, stroke, surgery, Bells Palsy, and infection can cause temporary or permanent paralysis. For some, surgery is necessary to protect the eye or to help it close properly. Weights may be sewn in under the skin to help the upper eyelid close, a saggy lower eyelid may be tightened to help the lower eyelid close or the corners of the eyelids might be partially sutured to help close the eyelids. These treatments may be reversed if the condition improves later.
  • Mohs eyelid surgery and eyelid reconstruction after Mohs Surgery - The goal of Mohs Surgery is to remove cancerous tissue while preserving the maximum amount of unaffected tissue. A Mohs surgeon is a specialized dermatologist who removes skin cancers and analyzes the tissue removed in real time to determine that the entire cancer has been removed. The goals of eyelid reconstruction are to recreate eyelids that open, close, and protect the eye, while also appearing aesthetically pleasing.
  • Ptosis repair - Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelid droops. It can affect one or both eyes and can be caused by aging, trauma, or various medical conditions. There are multiple way to correct ptosis with surgery. Ptosis repair is performed in an outpatient facility under sedation. The muscle that opens the eye (levator muscle) is tightened, raising the position of the eyelid.

If you are interested in obtaining perfect vision, get in touch with our Dallas, Plano, or North Arlington doctors, call (214) 220-3937 to request a free consultation or schedule online at Key-Whitman Eye Center today.