Contoura® Vision LASIK

The newest FDA-approved LASIK technology is here and available at Key-Whitman Eye Center. It aims to open doors to individuals who may have been ineligible for previous LASIK surgeries. Contoura® Vision, also called topography-guided LASIK, works to correct vision using traditional LASIK techniques combined with new, revolutionary technology. Patient outcomes have been extremely successful, with 92% of trial patients reporting 20/20 vision or better only 1 year after receiving Contoura® Vision LASIK. If are looking for the right method to improve your vision, or are simply tired of glasses and contact lenses, consider Contoura® Vision.

To request a FREE evaluation with our Dallas eye doctors call (214) 935-5618 or schedule an appointment online.

About Contoura® Vision

Doctors trained in this technique will take several clinical digital images of the eye before the procedure to analyze 22,000 elevation points on the cornea. This extremely specific image analysis allows ophthalmologists to create a customized procedure for each patient, leading to optimal results. Once the data for a patient’s vision is collected, the doctor will upload the patient’s information to a specialized program. This program controls the surgical instrument, a laser. Once the laser has the appropriate information, it will provide a unique treatment for the patient, addressing any particular concerns or trouble areas.

Candidates for Contoura® Vision

One of the best aspects of Contoura® Vision is that it opens the doors to LASIK for patients who might not have qualified for other procedures. Contoura® Vision can help patients with complex vision problems, such as myopia (nearsightedness), irregular corneas, and astigmatism

Procedure & Recovery

Patients who undergo Contoura® Vision can expect the procedure to take about 15 minutes. Most patients report improved vision immediately after treatment, though vision should gradually improve for up to 3 months after the procedure. Red or watery eyes are not uncommon, though most patients are well enough to return to work the next day. Patients should not drive home after the procedure and should bring someone with them to drive home and to pick up any necessary medicines. A postoperative checkup will also be scheduled with your doctor a day or two after the procedure.