Epi-Clear in Dallas

Epi-Clear, also known as Epi-Bowman Keratectomy (EBK) is designed to remove the tissues that cover the front of the cornea, called corneal epithelium, before a laser procedure. This process can help patients achieve safer, more accurate laser treatments. This procedure is known for its uniform and controlled process.

Benefits of Epi-Clear

EBK is different from other eye procedures for a few reasons, especially because EBK is one of the least invasive processes available in the industry. Unlike LASIK, there are no metal blades or lasers used to create a stromal flap during the process. In addition, there have been no reports of permanently weakened corneas and there have been no serious complications associated with stromal flaps.

EBK Procedure

During an EBK procedure, an eye surgeon will perform several steps to ensure a safe, effective, and accurate laser treatment, including:

  1. The eye surgeon will perform tests to ensure the patient is healthy and suitable for an EBK laser vision correction.
  2. Anesthetic eye drops are administered before removing the corneal epithelium tissues. This step will create a smooth surface for ideal laser treatment.
    Using an excimer laser, the eye surgeon will reshape the patient’s cornea curvature using the appropriate refraction. The eye doctor will place a therapeutic contact lens on the area to protect the recently treated surface.
    After the procedure, the patient will need to wear the contact lens for 24 hours a day for several days.
  3. Additionally, the patient should apply special eye drops, which will help the eye heal faster. Patients may notice slightly blurry vision as the eye heals. Clear vision should return after the healing process concludes.

Ready for Clearer Vision? Contact Key-Whitman Today.

We are ready to help you get the eyes you have always wanted as soon as possible. When you visit our Key-Whitman Eye Center office, we will examine your eyes and take time to understand your condition so we can determine which procedures will work best for you.

If you are interested in obtaining perfect vision, get in touch with our Dallas, Plano, or North Arlington doctors, call (214) 935-5618 to request a free consultation or schedule online at Key-Whitman Eye Center today.