Brow Lifts (Forehead Lift)

What is a Brow Lift?

Brow lifting is a cosmetic procedure performed to elevate the brows. By removing the excess skin of the forehead and brow, lifting the muscle and tissue underneath, the patient can have a more alert and rested appearance.

How is Brow Lift Surgery Performed?

A brow lift is performed in an outpatient surgery facility. Depending on the patient’s anatomy, hairline and need, brow lifts can be performed at the hairline, above the eyebrow, in the forehead, or through small incisions using an endoscope.

Am I A Candidate?

The first step it to have a consultation with an oculoplastic specialist. From there, will determine if you are a good candidate. We will take photos and learn about your goals taking into account your medical history and previous surgery.

Expect bruising and swelling after surgery, a majority of which resolves within 2 weeks. Patients must avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for 1 week after surgery. Patients may return to work typically within 5-7 days.

To learn more about brow lift surgery and how it can enhance your appearance, contact us at Key-Whitman Eye Center to schedule an appointment.